Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good Morning

Friday morning just before six o'clock. I just couldn't sleep anymore. Got out of bed, made a coffee and took a walk in the garden....what a glorious morning. Tänk att morgonar kan vara så underbara, såhär års kan man bara inte ligga kvar i sängen och gona, nej man bara måste ut och njuta av soluppgången och den sköna friska morgonluften. Fullständigt underbart jag vet inget som kan mäta sig med

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nordiska Trädgårdar 2008 Nordic Gardens was so crowded, we arrived to the exhibition hall one hour after it opened and we couldn't even park the car! After 20 minutes we finally found a spot to park. Here are some pictures of a few things that caught my eyes.Nordiska Trädgårdar 2008, Balcony Specials.Precis som utställningen i somras Ulriksdals Flower Show hade de även här en balkong utställning och det är ju alltid trevligt

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Nordic Gardens - the annual Garden Fair

Today is the day that the big annual Garden Fair opens - Nordic Gardens, the biggest garden exhibition in the Nordic region. They open today at ten and I have been invited to visit this event by a blog admire....someone who actually likes my blogs :), thank you very much. I will take my daughter with me and of course my camera and tomorrow I'll give you a guided tour. I found this lovely group of

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Are you drowning in seedlings!

Are you drowning in seedlings? Are they taking over the place?Look how my veranda looks right now! It's a mess...and I love it!Welcome to what once was the Veranda! TYRAVälkommen in till min knöfulla veranda!