Thursday, August 28, 2008

Café and Bakery in Gränna - Fiket i Gränna

Chocolate balls, Sarah Bernards, Tosca, Vanilla Creme Hearts....and I have to choose one! The Bakery in GrännaThis weekend we visited The Open Wharf Boat Fair in Gothenburg and on our way to GBG we stopped in a small and very picturesque town called Gränna. Gränna is famous for a special candy called Polkagrisar they are white and red striped candy sticks that taste mint, very nice but very bad

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tjohoo even more Tomatoes...

They say that food with bright colours are extremely good for you, this must be great then. Although I wonder if I can get an overdose :-)Harvest of the day perfect for a nice tomato sallad. Dagens skörd av fantastiska tomater, det är så jätte kul nu när man nu kan skörda varje dag. Mycket tomatsallad etc. blir det :-)Sedan kan man ju göra fantastiska marmelader på småtomaterna. Här kommer ett

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rain... at last and Tomatoes in abundance

I'm back! Hallo all my garden friends. Fjoo... it has been a really hectic time, so much work to do and drought! I have been totally occupied with watering and working. This drought has been really bad, my garden looks like as if it is october. The bad drought however ended on Saturday because my family had arranged since May to have a big garden party. I nice barbeque for 35 friends, well