Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meet Dear John.

節氣 Quifen

We are now on the 23th of September entering the Quifen, the autumnal equinox is here and the summer of 2010 is gone, the days are getting shorter and shorter by the day. The leaves colors are starting to fade and soon they will fall. In the garden this morning I met my friend John, he is a Canadian, I took some picture for you so you can meet my darling John Davis the Explorer

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Antipasto from my Potager

Antipasto dal giardino – a simple appetizer straight from my potager.

Sometimes, quite often actually I take a little walk in the kitchen garden and pick a little of everything that is ripe and that feels just right for the occasion. Here I have an eggplant that I've glanced at for some time now, it together with some nice tomatoes are perfect for my little ‘antipasti dal giardino’.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Physalis - locally grown

At last, now in early September my Physalis are ready to harvest, sweet, pretty and very healthy. Full of vitamin C it is a true power-fruit or shall I call it power-berry. Eat locally grow! - you cannot beat home grown.

 Don't forget to save one little Physalis and harvest your own seeds - free seeds for 2011 growing season. 

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