Thursday, April 23, 2009

What happens when you don't eat your CABBAGE?

This post, 'What happens when you don't eat your cabbage? was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden ......well it blooms!......I found this in my fridge a few days ago, a bit embarrassing! I mean it must have been growing in the root vegetable box for several days…Still I’m amazed over it and I think it looks great. I have saved it and when

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day - Potager

This post, 'GBBD-Potager' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden ...Garden Bloggers' Blooms DayAt last spring is here and we can all go out in the garden and enjoy all the lovely blooms. Suddenly our brownish grey 'winter gardens' turns to green and the flowers adds spashes of colour. Everything happens so fast now and you can almost see

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I wish you All a Happy Easter!Blommig långfredag Blooming Friday! This is my contribrutions to the Blooming Friday Flower Power Parade, meet more participant here at Katarina. Roses and Stuff....TYRA

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here comes the Sun - Tussilago farfara

This post, 'Here comes the sun - Tussilago farfara' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden COMES THE SUN - the sun of spring .........In yesterdays post I wrote about LOVE an ABC post in the Greenhouse and to go with it I had a great song from the Beatles 'All you need is love' and today another one came to my mind 'Here comes

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just some Potty Stuff

This post, 'Just some Potty Stuff' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden in the Greenhouse.......It is finally happening things in my pots in the greenhouse, the Auriculas are looking great, no flowers yet but still... it's green and growing. I think the daffodils will bloom any day now, in Sweden we call them Easter lilies (