Monday, June 25, 2007

Papaver in Tyra´s Garden

Papaver "in floribus", it is June in Tyra´s Garden. Poppies everywhere!I just love this flower. Delicate yet strong and the colour, so bright....oh, wonderful. The seed capsules of the Papaver are also extremely beautiful. Ox-eye daisy (Leucantheum vulgare) and Poppies (Papaver)outside the Greenhouse in Tyra´s Garden.Have a very nice day!TYRAAll pictures © Tyra

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Midsummer / Midsommar

Midsummer/MidsommarDuring these few weeks around midsummer the Swedish night are very long. Here on this latitude the sun barely goes down and in the fare north of Sweden it doesn´t go down at all, amazing. The sun is up 24 hours a day! A woke up extremely early this morning, the birds were singing and the sun stood already high in the sky. I just could not sleep. I put the kettle on and took my

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rainy Days ... I just love those.

RAINY DAYS.I just love those lovely rainy summer days. I don´t have to water the garden, I can spend a hole day baking. In our summer house we have have an old iron stove that we heat with wood. In this iron stove oven you can make wonderful bread. This day we decided to make Focaccia al pomodoro on the savory side and on the sweet side Plum tart and White bread croissant with almond filling. Oh,

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Paeonia suffruticosa, Vita fågel fenix.

Paeonia suffrucosa, Vita fågel fenix, 'Feng Dan Bai' Isn´t it absolutely fabulous! So delicate, it´s just a pity that the flowers just hold for a few days. Now I have to wait until next year to see it again.Paeonia suffruticosa Vita fågel Fenix är den inte bedårande vacker. Hur skall jag kunna hålla den vid liv? Det här är min första buskpion och jag vet inte riktigt hur jag skall sköta den.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Du gamla, Du fria.

6 Juni Sveriges NationaldagDu gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord. Du tysta, Du glädjerika sköna!Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord, Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar, då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden. Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad du var.Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö