Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Black and white or in colour?

TOPIARYThis is my new "ballballconeballballcone flower bed" with Buxus that I planted last autumn.This picture is not a black and white photo, it's March... I thought that the winter was gone but oh no. I know is pretty with snow but I'm so fed up with the winter and I want my garden to be in colour - lush and green! Come spring and make it green!Now and then, oh I really do prefere my

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I just love the colour of green, don’t know why but I do. I think the love for the colour green grows with time; I mean I didn’t think about it when I started out with gardening a long time ago. Then the flowers and the colours were much more important. Today I think more of the foliage, the structure and the different shades of green. C’est très important n’est-ce pas ? Don’t you agree ? Grün,

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tips 'n' ideas - My "antidepressant" drug

Today I really need an antidepressant drug. The weather is appalling, I had a bad day at work and I think I’m coming down with a cold. I need something to cheer me up!I found these “happy pills” Tyra's Garden with artichokes from Potager du Roi. The potager in July. Summertime how lovely!A simple yet beautiful Dahlia mignon "Firebird"Now I feel a little bit better, tonight I think I'll spend

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I have an itch to paint!

Flowers upon the wall?That could be an idea!Lily at Baby TajYou know I love painting as well as gardening. I showed you one’s my “Topiary upon the wall” painting I have done in one of our rooms and after the trip to India I’m so inspired to do some more painting!... perhaps a “flowers upon the wall” room. This is one of the places in India that truly put some ideas into my head. Look at

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Are you potty?

My babies are all over the place!Seeds, soil, seedlings and pots, pots, pots everywhere. Now is the time of the year that I occupy most of the windowsills in our house and the veranda I place an extra table for all my babies. This year I have promised my self to take it easy……and that promise is so dreadfully hard to keep. In this cold climate you simply have to start early indoors with

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Flowers of India - The Lotus Flower

The biggest flower in India and probably in the world! I stumbled on this magnificent Lotus flower in New Delhi. It is The Bahá'í House of Worship. Isn't it fantastic? Built in 1986, 40 meters tall and it is capable to hold 2,500 people. It's number of visitors per year 4,5 million or 13 000 everyday! More about the Bahá'í religion below.The central theme of Bahá'u'lláh's message is that humanity

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm back!

Fascinated, dead beat and 6 pounds less of me I’m back after a journey to India.What a country! 1 billion people and it feels like I met at least half of them. This was my first time in India and I hope I will be able to go back, there is so much to discover. Delhi India Taj Mahal Agra IndiaWhenever I go abroad I always look up the botanical gardens, this time was an exception, the nearest I came