Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Asparagus leaves and herbs for the gardenToday we have thunder and lightning one minute and the other the sun is out here in Vaxholm. This is what we call typical April wheather hm...but it's May. So when the wheather is like this I think we shall have a nice bowl of soup for dinner together with a fresh baked bread and a nice cheese. I have some nice nettles behind a shed I think I will take

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sigrid's Iris - inquiry

Does anybody know the name of this beautiful Iris? Right now I have it under the name Iris 'Sigrid' and I cannot just rename flowers like that :-) Sigrid is a dear friend of mine that gave them to me last summer. I would be very glad for all information. ...Är det någon som kan hjälpa mej med namnet på den här underbara lilla irisen. Just nu går den under namnet Iris ' Sigrid' efter min gode vän

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tulips in the gravel - Tulipa

Do you remember that I did some late planting of bulbs in November last year?Here are the result, tulips in the gravel! I just love botanical tulips and my deers doesn't likes then, perfect. I think I like them so much because they are 'in floribus' early and they are so small, pretty and really genuine looking. When it's cold they close up and says -"We are freezing where is the sun" and when