Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Heavenly Meringues, Midsummer Holiday and Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Heavenly Meringues3 egg whites2 3/4 dl sugar1/2 teaspoon salt and 3/4 teaspoon of baking sodaWhisk the egg whites hard and add sugar still whisking and then add the rest.Put them in a preheated oven 250 degrees and turn it off, leave them in the oven over night.Can it be easier? This makes 6 big ones and they are so delicious you just have to try them!Maypole at the Pavilion in Resarö,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Midsummer - Midsommar

Midsummer Day the longest day of the year, the night is so light and the air is warm... it's midsummer. This is one of the biggest holidays in Scandinavia, we get together young and old to eat, dance, sing songs and play games.Time for celebration - put on your best summer clothing and go out and enjoy this lovely time of the year. It's party time!Glad Midsommar på Er!Nu är vi inne i Midsommar

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Purple June - En Juni i lila

Ops! June started out with an explosion in purple, Irises, Lilacs, Chives, Sage & Rhododendron... the list could go on. I think purple is a favorite, it goes so very well with all the shades of green. In my potager there are of course very much of the colour green, the cabbages, kales, onions and so on and it look really pretty with the violet/lilac/purple. I know in July I will say the same

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sveriges Nationaldag 6 juni - National Day of Sweden

Idag firar vi vår underbara nation Sverige hip hip hurra! Visst är det ett fantastiskt land vi lever i, jag är så glad och stolt att jag är född i Sverige. Fina människor och en sagolik natur, det finns inget som går upp mot gamla Svedala. Man må åka ut i världen och bli fascinerad, imponerad och begeistrad men när man landar på Arlanda så tycker då i alla fall jag att det är skönt att andas '

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Archipelago Boat Day - Skärgårdsbåtens Dagdag 2008

I know this has nothing to do with the garden but it is a special day for us in my home town Vaxholm. Vaxholm is a very small town about 25 Km north east of Stockholm, we use to say that it is the capital of the Archipelago. Tomorrow is 'The Archipelago Boat Day' and then all the old steamers and new archipelago boats have a parade from the city center harbor of Stockholm to the harbor of my town