Friday, July 31, 2009

My Potager on Last day of July

This post 'My Potager on the Last day of July' was originally uploaded by Tyra in the blog Tyra's Garden Well...Last day of July! I find it a bit sad, A kind of melancholy feeling came over me this morning when I took my usual round in the garden. I'm sad that the summer of 2009 is coming to an end and yet I love this time of the year. Love the dark, warm evenings when you can sit outside and

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

'Man tager vad man haver' - sa Kajsa Warg

The Day's of Harvest from the Greenhouse and Potager - JulyThere was a Swedish young woman who wrote a cookery book back in 1755 (amazing!) Her name was Kajsa Warg. She always said and I live by that quote when I'm cooking. Bild från nätet: Sofies mat'Man tager vad man haver' - You take what you got...and then it is up to the brilliant cook to be a wizard and make something delicious out of

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blackberry Flowers and Bouquet of Carrots

This post, 'Blackberry Flowers & Bouquet of Carrots' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden. Blooms and Harvest in Tyra's Garden - JulyI don't think I have really looked properly at the flower of the Blackberry bush before but this morning I did and to my surprice I found that they in fact very beautiful. and for this weeks Blooming Friday a bouquet of a slighty

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Beauty or A Beast?

This post, 'A Beauty or A Beast' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden Beauty or A Beast?...Well they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this TOMATO 'Cherokee Purple' grown from seed is of course kind of beautiful in my eyes... but I must admit as they said about Whoopi Goldberg in Color Purple....- You sure 'is' ugly! .

Friday, July 10, 2009

Zinnia elegans 'Whirligig fun'

This post, 'Zinnia elegans 'whirligig fun' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden friday at Katarina's Roses and stuff - Katarina askes "Have you anything in your garden that pleases you extra much? - Please write and tell us about it "Well Katarina it must be the Zinnia elegans. I haven’t got many of my favourite flowers(Zinnia)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Navigare necesse est"

This post, 'Navigare Necesse Est' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden "Navigare necesse est" even for a gardener. I adore and love my garden, but if you have the great benefit of living in the archipelago of Stockholm (with some 20.000 islands and rocky islets), you just have to hop on board and go sailing even if you are a