Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dahlia 'Harvest' - tubers and seeds

It's late September and the frost can come any night now, that means that I have to dig up all my Dahlia plants, it’s so sad that indicates that the summer has definitely ended and the autumn takes giant leaps towards the winter. Time to dig in! On with the Wellington boots and ‘armed’ with a garden fork and my favourite secateurs I spend the whole day digging. Tough work…I store my Dahlia tubers

Friday, September 26, 2008

Blackberries and Gherkins - September

September in the garden time to harvest the last tomatoes, the Mexican gherkins, peppers and chillies. The Mexican sour Gherkins (above on the right) are a true favorite of mine, if you haven't tried them before I really recommend that you to have a go with them. The greenhouse in SeptemberRecept på Björnbärsmarmelad med apelsin 1 liter björnbär, tunnt skal från en ekologiskt odlad apelsin och

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Forsmarks Bruk - Walloon Ironworks Town

En skön september dag tog vi bilen och for till Forsmarks Bruk. Det här ar ett av mina favorit bruk. Det är ett av Sveriges bäst bevarade bruk, det härstammar från 1570 talet. Kyrkan invigdes år 1800 och är ritad av Olof Tempelman, lite träffande namn ellerhur?This absolutely gorgeous day in September we decided to go to Forsmarks Bruk. An industrial village where natural resources are processed

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Jewel in Gothenburg - Trädgårdsföreningen

Read about my visit to the fantastic Trädgårdsföreningen in Gothenburg a true jewel.Läs mer i The Greenhouse....om denna lilla pärla i Göteborg. Fotoalbum med lite bilder ifrån mitt besök. PHOTO ALBUM Tyra

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jesus in the green.

Healing - Just one look at this picture and I felt much better. I cannot explain but my headache and cold felt better after studying this picture. Weird? Yes, perhaps but I think I felt the coolness and stillness, it made me lower my head and close my eyes. The picture is taken this August when I visited the beautiful gardens of "Trädgårdsföreningen" in Gothenburg.Jesus in the green

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Columbine - Aquilegia vulgaris L. about SEEDS

Seed collecting tip from a "seed geek" About collecting seeds from your Aquliegia Vulgaris L. Here is a tip when if you want to collect seeds from your Columbines and you want to have order among all the different varieties, shapes and colours. Put a tag on the plants when they still are flowering, write down the name, colour, height etc. Then you know when it is time to harvest the seeds and