Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Start of the Season of Advent.

Tyra wrote this post at the blog Tyra’s Garden Sunday Advent Sunday is the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day.It also marks the start of the wonderful season of Advent.The first candle is now lit and we are entering the season of Advent. Today the family gathered to celebrate the first Sunday in Advent. Baking the wonderful Swedish saffron bread which filled

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Updated on the day of Thanksgiving. DO YOU FOLLOW? Pomona was the goddess of fruit trees, gardens, and orchards in the Roman mythology. Her name Pomona comes from the Latin word pomun – fruit.Hello all readers of the Tyra’s Garden blog.I have just added a new widget 'Followers' to my blog and it does look rather sad 3 followers is that all? Of course not but it is a start. ...I wonder if I can

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Winterland - It's snow

Tyra wrote this post at the blog Tyra’s Garden http://waxholm.blogspot.comSNOW!Isn't just wonderful...Welcome into the greenhouse... and read more about the blue hour.TYRA

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Asexual reproduction and I have got a baby!

Tyra wrote this post at the blog Tyra’s Garden If you are not reading it at Tyra’s Garden, then this content was stolen without permission. ...Asexual reproduction...This is the proud mother....Some species, as some Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium and Vanda, produce offshoots or plantlets formed from one of the nodes along the stem, through the accumulation of growth

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mother Earth's Wild Flowers Garden - Uppland

Tyra wrote this post at the blog Tyra’s Garden If you are not reading it at Tyra’s Garden, then this content was stolen without permission. Mother Earth's Garden - UpplandI'm up at my 'summerhouse' again to make the house ready for the winter. There are a lot of things that need to be attended to, empty the water butts (?) storing all the garden furniture etc. As I

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The sun came out for a second....

Today, I'm still sad, angry and disapointed and its all that SCOUNDRAL fault that I wrote about yesterday.But then the 'sun came out' to brighten my grey and miserable November day, a friend came along an told me that there was an article in one of the largest papers in Sweden (DN) about garden bloggers. We have great many garden bloggers here and two of my blogs where mentioned as a blogg well

Friday, November 14, 2008


LOOK AT THIS!... one is stealing our work...again.Look into what they are doing on this site!What can we do? Have your work been copied!They steal our pictures and words and doesn't even link!My pulse is VERY high and I can feel the adrenaline pumping....I ask you PNT if you read this - Take away all my pictures and words! ......R.E.S.P.E.C.T Aretha Franklin

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Calluna vulgaris & Norrpada Achipelago

Calluna vulgaris & the beautiful Archipelago of NorrpadaMissy M on the rocksHeather Calluna vulgaris Heather is very common out on our beautiful islands in the Stockholm archipelago. Here I want to show a couple of pictures from an island in Norrpada Archipelago that I really like. Sometimes I visualize that Mother Nature has made all this by herself, well perhaps not entirely by herself

Monday, November 10, 2008


A Gardeners Gift WrapTo wrap a present is so fun, I really do enjoy it and this time I wanted to do something different, I went for a stroll in the garden and ended up with this. I just adores the seed capsules of the Papaver, I think they are most fascinating, each one is a small work of art. They are so beautiful therefore I started out with the Papaver then...... POP ART...added a fig (picked

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Full of vitamin C and so delicious!

Go out and find these golden red gems - the Rose hips! Full with vitamin C and so delicious!I pick both the wild roses hips Rosa dumalis ( Rosa Canina L.) and......the hips from Rosa rugosa.They are easy to pick it takes just a few minutes but it takes fairly long time to clean them and it is pretty boring but it is worth it.A small and pretty frosen November Rose.MY WILD ROSEHIPS MARMALADE1.5

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Emma Karp Lundström - An Apple Artist

Apple painting from 2006 – ‘Äppel, päppel, pirum parum’. (nursery rhyme)...Garden Designer, coach and apple artist Emma Karp LundströmArtist, project managers, stress consultant and garden creator - After many years, Emma Karp Lundström moved back to Gislöv. Based on the family farm she now wants to strengthen the image of Österlen as one of Sweden's most beautiful ‘gardens’. For several years