Friday, October 31, 2008

The Wicked Witches from Waxholm

Spooky...Spooky picture taken of two wicked witches from Waxholm.Happy Halloween to you All !Her in my country we celebrate All Saints Day, that we call Alla Helgons Dag and that is tomorrow, then we light candles for our loved ones that has passed away. We do have Halloween but it is more a commercial spectacular act here, compared to All Saints Day. All the same I wish you all a truly wonderful

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

and the winner is...Czech's Excellent Yellow

...This is the WINNER of all tomatoes in my greenhouse this year. It's the fellow in the left, bright yellow, perfect in taste, consistency and size. The name is Czech's Excellent Yellow and the seed is from Plants of DistinctionGolden beauty - the Czech's excellent yellow Prolific orange yellow tomato with a strong flavour. 3inches round fruit. Extremely productive and will supply you with a

Monday, October 27, 2008

No Champagne...

No Champagne...big mistakeMonday 27th of October I “revisited” Brideshead during the weekend, 11 hours of the wonderful drama. It is so beautiful and such fantastic ornamental language but… it’s too long and totally uninteresting for about 4 hours in the middle, we all agreed that it varied too much in quality. 5 stars out of 10 possible and those stars were all for the first episodes until poor

Friday, October 24, 2008

Brideshead Revisited

The girls and I are going up the country to Åkerby and spend the weekend together. We are going to have a DVD marathon weekend and this is what's on the meny. Long walks, good slow cooked autumn food, red wine and...Brideshead Revisited - not the film, no, no, no. 659 minutes ofBrideshead Revisited the British television serial ( 1981) based on the novel of the same name by Evelyn Waugh.It

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Paeonia suffruticosa - 'Feng Dan Bai'

Bud of my favorite Paeonia This is a favorite of mine, the Peony 'Feng Dan Bai' Paeonia suffruticosa herbaceous perennial plant 0.5–1.5 metres tall. Det här är en av mina absoluta favoriter. Pionen 'Feng Dan Bei' en Kinesisk trädpion. Visst är den underbart vacker. Den blommade inte alls i år hoppas att det bara var den usla torra sommaren och att den kommer igen nästa år.Paeonia suffruticosa in

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lena Israelsson - nominerad till Augustpriset!

Lena Israelsson nominerad till Augustpriset med sin fantastiska bok Klosterträdgårdar. Grattis Lena Klosterträdgårdar ( Wahlström & Widstrand) är en mycket trevlig och läsvärd bok som har givit mej många trevliga stunder. Andra böcker av Lena som jag flitigt läser är förstås Köksträdgården och sedan Jorden Täppor. Fler inlägg om Lena Israelsson hittar du härJättekul stort Grattis! / Tyra

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Soak the Gardener! - Blub blub in my Tub tub

Soak the Gardener!This is my bathroom I built a few years ago. It has this marine touch, inspired of old wooden boats I built my bathroom in mahogny, with brass details and old furniture and pebbles from allover the world. There is an article in this weeks 'Drömhem & Trädgård' a Swedish magazine (Dreamhome & Garden)I senaste numret av Drömhem och trädgård får ni följa med in i 'The Gardeners

Thursday, October 16, 2008


NOT!Gold, gold, everywhere and I got it for free! When I was a small girl we call the leaves golden coins. Sometimes I still think of them as gold coins consequently you can imagine that at this time of the year I'm really filthy rich :-) ...Today was the day of the colour Ochre in my garden. Ochre or Ocher (pronounced /'əʊ.kə(r)/, from the Greek ὠχρός, yellow) is a color, usually described as

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recycled piece of furniture.

GARDEN FURNITUREI went to an outdoor auction in the countryside last weekend and look what a found. A pedestal for my greenhouse isn’t it just perfect. Old, worn and a bit shabby but nice, just the way I want it to be. It will be great for the greenhouse and the garden. All my pieces of furniture in the greenhouse are real bargains, they are old and worn, now I have been missing a pedestal and

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wallpainting - I know I'm potty

We planted a seed... Do you remember my Topiary bedroom, we have had an empty pot on the wall for some years now and a few weeks ago we decided to plant a seed. Look what's come Impomea. It's not full grown yet so we cannot begin to trim it into a Topiary Impomea we have to wait for some months, maybe we can start next spring. (old post Topiarius Tyra) Impomea - The Topiary bedroom.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Falu red or in Swedish we call it Faluröd is the name of the beautiful Swedish, deep red paint well known for its use on wooden cottages and barns. The paint originated from Falun in Dalarna ( copper mine) , Sweden. The traditional colour remains popular today due to it's effectiveness in preserving wood it is absolutely fantastic. Easy to paint and it doesn't smell. The earliest evidence of its

Friday, October 10, 2008

Green Metallic Beauty

Cetonia aurata. Rose Chafer - GuldbaggeRare visit in Tyra's Garden the Cetonia aurata on my cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), also called the artichoke thistle which is member of the Aster family. Cetonia aurata, known as the rose chafer, or more rarely as the green rose chafer, is a reasonably large beetle, 20 mm long, that has metallic green coloration (but can be bronze, copper, violet, blue/black

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Always look at the bright side of life!

You have to really take notice of all the beautiful thing that's surrounds us, pleasure and treasure it, especially in these harsh economic times. It's easy to get depressed but I say like The Monty Pythons once said - Always look at the bright side of life!My greenhouse in October.The last of the year... Sweet Pea Lathyrus odoratusand the last blackberriesDon' forget that you can pick the Rose

Monday, October 6, 2008


I just want to show you this beautiful October morning. I haven't got many garden ornament but here are a few, the sundail, the crown and my gazebo :-) När jag vaknade i morse låg det fortfarande dimmor nere på ängen nedanför min trädgård. Tänk att jag älskar verkligen min trädgård på morgonen, jag vet inte riktigt varför men det är nog lugnet och den friska luften. Här är några bilder tagna

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Philatelic NEWS for a veggie geek.

Harvest stamps from Sweden. New Swedish stamps on my stones from Jaipur. Look what I found in the Post office yesterday! Absolutely perfect for a veggie geek like me. Now I can have 'my own' very personal stamps on my letters. Isn’t that just great? Precis lagom till skördetiden ger posten ut dessa underbara små skönheterna. Jag blev så glad när jag såg dom, de blir ju alldeles perfekt för mina

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The Brassica - true Powerfood. They are beautiful and so good for you. .Brassica vegetables are highly regarded for their nutritional value. We should probably eat some Brassica each day. This is a huge vegetable family and they really do come in different shapes, structures and sizes. They provide high amounts of vitamin C and soluble fiber and contain multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer