Monday, November 26, 2007

Late November....

...and the colours are more in 'the Greenhouse...'

Monday, November 19, 2007

Veggies from the Botanical Garden of Uppsala

I just wanted to show you som more pictures a took on my visit to the 'Harvest exhibition' at the Botanical Garden of the University of Uppsala. Lovely veggies! Solanum tuberosum. The potatoes, they are the world's most widely grown tuber crop, and the fourth largest food crop in terms of fresh produce, that is after rice, wheat, and maize. I grew french 'Almond' this year and they are delicious

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Potage d'oignon - Onion Soup

Today it´s time for a classic soup.Idag har det verkligen varit en sådan där novemberdag man inte gillar. Runt nollan på termometern, snöfall nästan horisontellt och lite blåst. Jag ville inte sätta näsan utanför dörren i dag på min lediga dag. Jag tog och dammade av min 25 år gamla kokbok 'Den franska maten' letade reda på en gammal favorit, gratinerad löksoppa. Nu gick jag i alla fall ut till

Monday, November 5, 2007

Irresistible Botanical Tulips

I have managed to do some last minute planting today, last but not least important were the botanical tulips. They have a given place in Tyra's Garden. This year I had to move my existing tulips because I needed the space for another project. I dug them up and left them on the ground for a few days. Big mistake someone, probably a rabbit had a feast, a giant bulb party! So...I had to buy some new

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Requiem aeternam, Alla Själars Dag

Requiem aeternamRéquiem aetérnam dona els,Domine,et lux perpétua lu'ceat eis.Requiéscant in pace.Amen. This picture is from Nerja , southern Spain.Den här bilden är ifrån ett liten kyrka eller rättare sagt ett litet kapell i Nerja, södra SpanienAlla själars dag , Alla helgons dag firas den lördag som infaller mellan den 31 oktober och den 6 november. Då brinner ljusen på kyrkogårdarna till våra